Mike MacDonald

Hi, I’m Mike Macdonald (not the musician, although I envy his beard). I hail from London, Ontario, Canada.

I’ve been writing for Check What’s Best since early 2018, and I usually cover items that I need to buy for my family, whether it’s cleaning products that are safe for pets (I suspect that our beloved Bichon Frise, Jeff, is mildly asthmatic), or backpacks for kids.

My process involves trying as many of the items as I can, but also analyzing what everyone is saying online. I’m a computer guy (who isn’t these days?), and I naturally tend to analyze data when it comes to any decision, so checking through all the information out there (reviews, articles, videos) is something I am happy to do.

When I’m not chained to a computer or phone, you can find me on the trails of Ontario (local London trails or the Bruce Trail), or chilling out with the family.

I’m always happy to hear from folks who have read my reviews, so feel free to hit the Contact form to let me know what you think, or any questions you have.